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Thursday, 29 December 2011

Hello Kitty

Oh, you knew it would come sooner or later! *laugh* I guess it wouldn't be a surprise to anyone if I said I like Hello Kitty. ;) Let's face it, it is cute. The whole concept that is. I have a few PC-games that I really enjoy - Dream Carnival, Cutie World, Bubblegum Girlfriends... - so I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled across this: Hello Kitty Online. It's exactly what it looks like; a Hello Kitty mmo! And better up, it's absolutely free!

Maybe I should take it from the beginning. I've played Wow for about four years, but the last year...well, anyone that play it at higher level would understand what I say if I say that the game has lost the spark. It's become very boring and it's not challanging anymore. So, I've been looking for something else to play. I tried Swtor (Star wars the old republic), but found it even more droll - and gray! The whole game is gray! @.@
What to do? Well, I found this page: MMO Hut, which reviews and lists free online games. And there are so many! I had no idea. Among them I found a few of interest, and unfortunately realised that one of them had been abandoned, so I ended up installing Hello Kitty Online.

So here's my little mini review. :) First of all, it's really cute. <3 It has the same Hello Kitty feel as ever - every npc in the game is very sweet, understanding and caring. The tone is very light and I appreciate that, since I don't like the games where everything is doom, doom and gloom. And gray. HKO is light and pastel coloured, the only thing that's a little freakish (probably not intended to be that though) is how everyone have statues of themselves or Hello Kitty on their houses, or their picture on the door mat of there house...or the Hello Kitty ponds. Wow. o.o It looks pretty narcissistic, and quite a bit scary, but I don't think that's intended.
Unlike other mmo's, HKO's focus isn't kill monsters. It's rather a collect and craft game. Sure, you do smack a few (adorable!) monster over the head with a broomstick, but you don't actually kill anything. They just fall asleep, so you could as well just through dream dust on them. I'm playing solo, which is a slight disadvantage in this game - at least when it comes to your farm. You own your own farm, where you can plant things and build a house. The house is the main problem, since if you're alone it takes quite a lot of time to build it.
The only thing that I've found mildly annoying is that you travel on foot everywhere, though that may change on higher levels I've yet to see anyone with a mount. The maps aren't large, but there's a lot of running back and forth. I advice checking the official wiki for the items you will need for quests before you sell anything, or you will do quite a bit more running than necessary.

Oh, and if you decide to play it - remember that the Dream Carnival is a playable downloader! It's not really part of the game, so don't bother levelling anything! You can't keep anything from the Dream Carnival when you start the real game.

It gets a 4/5 from me, because even with this tiny flaw it's a really fun, lighthearted game and I like that. :)

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Blueberry jelly

This Christmas, much like every year, I always end up eating way too much candy... *laugh* Telling yourself 'not this time' apparently doesn't work. And the funniest thing? I don't even like candy that much!
So, I decided that I'd have a go at a bit healthier snacks. The first thing that popped into my mind was blueberries. "How do I make them into a snack?" I thought. A blueberry pie was the first idea, of course, but anyone that's made blueberry pie knows there are loads of sugar in it - and your prone to have ice cream or custard to it as well.

So I kept thinking, and then I saw a picture of pomegrenade jelly. Well, that got me thinking, why not try that with blueberries? So! That's what I did. :) The first test turned out great! They don't look so pretty (mainly because I thought they'd be sticky and powdered them with corn starch needlessly...) but they taste yummy. :D And they were so easy to make, too! Next time I won't bother with the dusting though, they aren't sticky at all! :)

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

A little bit of shopping

This may sound really odd, considering how much rice I eat, I bought my first rice cooker. :) Yes, it's true! I eat rice nearly every day but I didn't own one! *laugh* It will make life so much easier for me. <3 I'm going to try it this evening. I'm making calamari today. If you haven't tasted it yet - do! :) Just make sure that the second it "curls" (if you've cut it into stripes - that's what I do), remove it from the stove instantly, or it will get really chewy.

Also, I did a bit of shopping today besides the rice cooker. I got gluttinous rice flour to make some mochi (among other things). Maybe I should split the dough and make them in several colours...that would be really cute, don't you think? :) I think I might even try putting icecream in some - I read somewhere that that'd be really yummy but I haven't tasted it myself.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas everyone!

Whether you celebrate Christmas today, or tomorrow, I wish all of my readers - secret or not - a very, very Merry Christmas. <3 I wish you all the best, and a calm and peaceful evening. <3

I received the most beautiful gift today: a merry-go-round music box. <3 It will be playing lullabies for me tonight. <3 (The picture is of a similar merry-go-round of unknown origin.)

Friday, 23 December 2011

Mist and mashmallows

My original plan today, was to take my camera, go out in the forest and take a few snaps of the beautiful snowcovered trees...however, it's been a very mild night, so most of the snow on the trees are gone. The mist is also thick outside. :( I'm going to go out anyway, but there's a big chance there won't be any snow to photograph. Oh well.

Yesterday evening I made more candy, mashmallows this time. :) Pink ones. <3 It's my second go at mashmallows actually - the first try being some five years back, which ended in disaster... - but this time I followed a much better recipe, and they turned out great! :) The only drawback (if any) is that I had too much icing sugar in the form I poured the batter in, so they have pink icing on them. XD Oops!

They were a bit tricky to cut with a knife, so I used a pair of scissors. The result is that they're not entirely even, but then again I made them pretty thick. *giggles* I imagine they'd be easier to cut if I'd split the batter over two forms instead. But...I think it gives them that home made charm, don't you? :)

Thursday, 22 December 2011


Once again, I woke up as the tree came alight, which is - I think - one of the best ways to wake up. <3 Yesterday I did the last Christmas-shopping, and ended up sitting with my crochet work. <3 It was a really lovely feeling, sitting there in the light from the Christmas tree and the candles, working on the cape. The only thing missing was a Christmas quoir singing. :)
As I went to bed I only had a tiny bit of work left on the cape, so I finished it this morning. :) As usual...I'm not a very good photographer, but still. Here is a picture of it. :)

So there it is. :) It only needs to be ironed a bit, but I'll do that later. Now, it's time for a stroll in our magical winter wonderland. <3

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


This morning greeted me with a dark, winter dawn as the lights of the tree lit up. The dawn is coming slowly... It's still very dark outside, but it's oh so pretty! All the trees are decorated with snow on their branches. :)
Yesterday I was making chocolates and saffron bisquits. <3 I always do chocolates for Christmas, but this year I wanted to try something different... So I made several kinds. One with rose-flavoured Turkish Delight, one with pink white chocolate on top, one with strawberry flavour... It was fun! *giggles*
It actually turned out a lot better than I expected, even though the white chocolate didn't really want to set again. It still has a few days left to the 24th. :)

I've been trying to figure something out to sew now that I finally have the time again to do so, but I find myself very short on materials... *sigh* I really need to buy more white and pink cotton fabric.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Snowfall and crochet

Saturday greeted us with a lovely snowfall, which kept on all through the night and Sunday. So right now there is a beautiful, winter wonderland outside my window. <3 It's so beautiful. :) I wondered if there would be snow on Christmas, and it looks like there will!
It comes at the right moment, too, since I don't need to go to school again until January, so I don't have to worry about delayed trains, which is a great relief. Also, I've managed to complete the small projects I've been working on now and then when I've had a few minutes. Among them were the legwarmers that I showed you a few posts ago. :) Only I made them in really thick, comfy yarn. <3 So they're really warm. <3

The other day I also found a great crochet book - a Japanese book, which in contrary to Western pattern books didn't have the usual diagrams but actual pictures of the patterns, which I find so much more useful! <3 I've never been able to decipher Western knit- or crochetpatterns, but this was so easy! I've been working on an adorable cape with a lovely pattern, and it actually looks as adorable as on the pictures, just because they were so easy to use!
It's been the same for me with sewing patterns, so I think I will now completely give up on Western patterns and only go for the Japanese ones, since they are so much better - and so much cuter! <3

(The picture is child-sized, I'm making mine adult-sized of course. :) And in white and pink. <3)

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Soon frequent updates again!

No, I haven't forgotten. <3 I'll soon be updating more frequently, as I've simply been far too busy to do so the past few weeks. :) We presented our game today, and on Thursday is the C++ exam, so after that I will have a lot more time on my hands. Hopefully that also means I'll have time to sew again, I've been itching to make something new...

Anyway. ^.^;; Back to this lovely book: 

Monday, 5 December 2011

First snow you ever get the feeling that you're not really you, but a spectator of your own existence? That you are merely watching your life pass behind glass, but not truly living. I used to feel that way all the time. It was the kind of movie which never seemed to really start, and you wondered if you'd reach the end and nothing meaningful ever happened.

That changed almost four years ago. But...sometimes there's bad days when that feeling returns. Today was one of those days. Waking up wondering what the point of it all ever was. But... I have my beloved. That's all only reason I need. Still, it's been one of those days. That pass as if behind glass.
Going home, I ended up sitting alone in the dark, waiting for a bus on a lonely bus stop. I don't really recall what I was thinking, I must have zoned out like I tend to on these days, when I felt something cold and wet on my face. Looking up, tiny, icy snowflakes fell around me. It must have snowed for a while and I hadn't noticed a thing.
Isn't that peculiar? The winter's first snow, like some kind of promise that things will be ok tomorrow. :) They probably will. Thankfully these days fall away and life goes on as usual. I wonder why it happens though. Maybe it's a reminder for me to not take anything for granted. That I could as well not be here, had not fate been kind to me.

Maybe it will snow more tomorrow?

I'll leave you with a lovely picture of winter lights in the trees, like thousands of tiny fireflies. <3

(found here)

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Sleepy sunday

It's past nine and I'm still so very sleepy... It was tough getting up today! The covers were so warm and fluffy... <3 I think I will be taking the day off from studying today. I sat in front of my computer all day yesterday. @.@

I was thinking...that maybe I could take the time to sew something today. :) It's been so long. It's not that I really need more Lolita things, but... *sigh* I can never really have enough, either! *giggles* Also, something I saw today made me think. I've always vouched for that leg warmers should be used with great care in combination with Lolita - or not at all. Today I did see a pair that actually had the right Lolita "feel".

Please ignore the shoes and the rest of the outfit. :) Besides that the hanging lacing doesn't look too attractive, I think the design is pretty nice. I'm usually not much for lacing, but I do think these look similar enough to over the knee socks to actually work with Lolita.
Maybe making something similar wouldn't be too hard. What do you think? Finding inspiration for leg winter wear that suits Lolita isn't easy - and finding products at a reasonable price is even more difficult! In a country where winter is both very cold and very windy, you have to get creative or freeze! *laughs*

I've been looking everywhere for nice, warm leggings and boots - but to no avail. So it's time for plan B, pretty much. Maybe this might be a reasonable plan B. :)

Friday, 2 December 2011

Knitting and lamb's wool

Oh wow, it's already been a week! Where did time fly off to? It's been one of those weeks when you work, work, work and feel like you're not getting anywhere. I've been working on the game - the player and enemies to be precise - and it's taken so much time for every step along the way. Just making an object react to when you press buttons on the keyboard - and that was a lot easier than making an enemy follow the player!

Anyway. The fair. :) It was a windy and pretty cold day, but I had fun. <3 I only bought two things, but one of them was such a great thing I need to share it with you! <3 It was lamb's wool soles to put into your shoes. <3 Oh, I love them! <3 Now my feet are cozy and warm inside shoes with lamb's wool. <3 A perfect thing to buy at a fair!
I've also been knitting some. Made a new pair of mittens and a really warm polo-neck collar. <3  (You know, just the neck instead of a whole sweater to wear instead of a scarf?) I found a thick, soft yarn for it. <3

We've also bought Hyacinths, but they're not blooming yet. I can almost smell them already. <3 Ahh, the scent of Christmas!

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Christmas is in the air

...and today we're going to the first Christmas fair this year! <3 It's going to be so much fun! I'll fill you in if I found something on it. And better yet... Last year I walked alone, and this year we're a whole bunch of friends going! I'm so looking forward to it. <3

And then the ever-returning question...what on Earth am I going to wear?! 

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Winter lights

Up here in the North, winter to me means two things - longer nights and shorter days, and candles in every window to light up in the dark. It's so pretty and it gives such a cozy, lovely feeling. <3 Unlike in other parts of the world, we don't have all that much Christmas lights. Just enough to make it look like the gardens are strewn with stars, and candles in the windows.
This sunday is the first of Advent, so these seven-branched chandeliers have been popping up in windows - ours too. To get up in the morning, when it's all dark, to these chandeliers... *sigh* I love it. <3 And I look forward to the day when we'll have our own house in the country, when it will be even darker and more silent in the winter. And torches in the snow. <3 We don't have any snow yet but hopefully it will arrive in time for Christmas.
When the lights will glow in the dark like fireflies. Ahh, I can't wait! <3

I'll share a little bit of Swedish Christmas with you. <3

(You can find more pictures at this homepage)

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Boxed lunches

Nothing for a while, and then two updates in a day! That's a good sign, I think. XD

Anyway. *cough* I've had a few curious questions about my boxed lunches, since I almost never bring food that needs to be heated. All of you who make bento boxes know what I mean - boxes with small portions of various different things, that look cute. :)
The thing is, my boxed lunches aren't random. I don't just pick some stuff and put it together, and then just eat small portions. I suppose you could call it "iso food" if you want a name for it, but really, they're mainly inspired by Japanese bento.

So what's really in there? Do you just make some onigiri and decorate it cute? What these boxes are, is packed with nutrition. A little bit of a lot of things. In my bento boxes I first of all have either rice, noodles or rice- or flourbased things (like fish pancakes - they have flour or riceflour in them). Then I have some kind of meat - usually fish of some kind or chicken. Most often the fish is whitefish since I like crabsticks (they are crab-flavoured whitefish).
Then I have some kind of diary product, like cottage cheese for example. And vegetables (most often it's a mix of various things, from leeks and cucumber to radish and carrots). And then fruit. I also usually have eggs of some kind - either boiled or omelet or something like that.

A lot of ingredients, isn't it? :) Yes, it is, but in small amounts, all of them. Here's a suggestion of a lunched box:

Noodle omelet

- A thin omelet (like a pancake) made from eggs, seasoned with Japanese soy sauce, mirin, fish broth and lemon juice.
- Fill it with noodles that you first boil until soft, then fry with leeks cut in tiny pieces (the noodles need to be cut as well), seasoned with your favourite seasoning. I prefer chow mein for this.
- Put some noodles on the omelet, and roll it tightly. "Glue" it together with some egg.
- Put 1/4 or 1/3 of it in your boxed lunch, put it on a bed of thinly cut salad.

Cottage cheese salad

- A little cottage cheese mixed with a piece of apple cut it tiny pieces, some regular, grated cheese and - if you feel adventurous - a little bit of either smoked ham or smoked sausage. You can also add a little boiled egg (just the white) if you like.
- Take just a large tablespoon in your lunch.


- Cut cucumber in thin slices and put it in an empty jar.
- Mix a little water and vinegar essence in a bowl, a pinch of salt, a little bit of white pepper. Pour into the jar and shake it. Let it sit for a little while (at least ten minutes), and then add a few slices of it on top of your salad.

Well that's one lunch. :) Easy, isn't it?


I'm back! <3 Did you miss me? :)

I realised today that it's been ten days since I last updated - I'm sorry! I've just had so much to do, so I've been too tired to blog. :( Yesterday I had a test, and it at first came off as really...strange. It had no points we could see, and it was very difficult, with lots of trick questions. It didn't seem like a test at all! I was thinking about it, and today I think I understand the purpose of the test.
You'd think we'd get a test on C++, but I don't think that's really what the test was about. I think it was a test to see if we have learned how a compiler/program "thinks", and I think it was also a way to make us understand the importance of readable code. I have a feeling that our teacher might pass anyone that got there and made the test, just because he thought of it as a way to teach us. It felt like he wanted us to start discussing.
I can't be sure though, but it's a hunch.

Yesterday I started playing a new facebook game. :) And before you go 'no, not facebook games!' on me, let me explain. ;) It's a new game that seems highly inspired by Tangled (the movie, here you go: Tangled), and it's called Castleville. It's really cute! <3 You play a queen who has a kingdom that's been overrun by darkness, and you have to dispell the darkness and build your castle. :) It's still in the beta so a little buggy, but it's so cute and the music is lovely. <3

Now I just have to resist playing all weekend so I can get some work done too. XD So far there aren't any annoying pop-ups and they're not trying to make you spend real money, which is a relief. I hate that stuff. I hope they won't add it later.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


This morning I woke up to a brilliant sunrise, so brilliant that I wish to share it with you. <3 This was seen just outside my window as I got up, so I just had to take a photo! Isn't it gorgeous? <3

I'm being ridiculously busy, hence the a bit irregular updates at the moment. There's so much schoolwork! @.@

Saturday, 5 November 2011


Someone said we all learn something new every day, but I don't think that's exactly true. However, when we learn something new I think most of the time it's a positive thing. :) Today, I learned something new: Entelecheia. Do you know what it is?
Entelecheia is the potential of a living thing, the actual possibilities that exist within each living being. It may not be the potential that is drawn out - but what could be drawn out. We all have potential and possibility within ourself, and if we don't use it, it's wasted. The word entelecheia was coined by Aristotle, the famous philosopher that lived during that -300. I like the thought of entelecheia, because I think everyone have that potential, the possibility to become something - but not everyone has the same potential - and I think that's a great thing. :)

If you want to read up more about entelecheia, here's a link: Entelecheia (Opens in a new window.)

Good night everyone. <3

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

A grown up Christmas list

It's that time of year now, when plans are made and wish lists are shared... Like every year, I have a single wish, and I can't say it better than my favourite Christmas song. :) So I will share it with you, once again. <3

This year it's Kelly singing it, and she does an excellent job. <3

Monday, 31 October 2011

Chance encounters

In this modern day society people (at least here) no longer talk to strangers. They sit silently side by side and prentend to be uncomfortable in each others presence. That's why I'm always as pleasantly surprised when I meet a chatty stranger - like today. :)
I'd waiting for the campus bus for nearly an hour - three full buses had passed and said another one would come. Eventually it was just me and 18 others left that still had not spot - so a mini bus arrived to pick us up. I ended up sitting beside a foreign woman, whom I ended up talking to the whole way. It's amazing how much two people that don't know each other can have to say to each other! :) I'm happy I met her, you always learn something from these chance encounters. :) Especially if the person lives a very different life from you.
Also, because of that I don't mind the long wait.

And while I waited for the second bus, something magical happened... As the light at the bus stop flickered to life, and the crescent moon became visible from behind a shadowy cloud on the sky - the bell tower and the town hall began playing, and not just any melody: they played the Harry Potter theme song. :)

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Winterponcho and a recipe

First of all, I owe you something - I promised to tell about the Visuality Center. The problem is that it was a very big disappointment. :( It was big - that's true - with lots of fascinating new technology. The problem, however, was that the exhibition was small and the whole center was centered around the giant dome they showed amazing movies on. But...that's not what we got to watch. *sigh* We got to watch lectures by people we didn't know about things that were only moderately interesting - or would have been with better lecturers. A nervous school kid talking about X-ray, and an American war-crazy guy that talked about unmanned aircraft wasn't really my cup of tea...and the whole dome felt completely wasted on Powerpoints.
No, it was a huge disappointment. :(

That said, let's move onto more exciting subjects. :) I usually flip around on the net for inspiration, and that happened the other day. I was a bit sad because my autumn coat is getting too cold and my winter coats are too warm - leaving me with "normal" jackets... :(
That's when I found a solution! :D I found a cute picture with a girl wearing a long poncho, and this idea sparked:

It works perfect with my autumn coat, and it's warm. <3 So now I can still wear my coat! <3 It was so much fun to make that I decided to sell ponchos like this one on my Etsy. If I got this as a Christmas gift I'd be very happy, so I'm thinking I can't be the only one. ;)

I've half-decided to make a gingerbread dough today... It's November in two days, so it's not really TOO early. I love the scent of gingerbread spices. <3 So I'm sharing my best gingerbread cookie recipe with you.

Gingerbread Cookies
(About 200 cookies)

200 grams butter
2 1/2 deciliter (1 dl = 0,42 cup)
1 deciliter golden sirup
2 teaspoons cinnamon (ground)
1 teaspoon clove (ground)
2 teaspoons ginger (ground)
2 teaspoons food bicarbonate
1/2 deciliter water (to mix the bicarbonate with)
1 egg
8-9 deciliter flour (about 400 grams)

How to

First of all, put everything except flour, egg, water and bicarbonate in a sauce pan and put it to low head. You want all the ingredients to melt together (they smell wonderful <3)
When they have, let it cool slightly and take out a big bowl. Mix the bicarbonate with the water in a cup and then mix in with the spices. Now pour the whole thing over to the bowl, and mix in some flour and the egg (be careful when you mix in the egg - if the warm mixture is too hot it will be boiled). Mix in most of the flour. The dough will be sticky - it's supposed to be that way. :) If it gets dry you've mixed in too much flour.
Sprinkle a bit of flour on top, but a kitchen towel over it and put it in the fridge or a cool place over the night.

Take just a piece of the dough to start with - a handful is probably enough for you to handle at once! The dough can stay in the fridge for a couple of weeks - and even longer if you put it in a plastic bag - so it's not meant to be used all at once.
The dough will be hard and cool when you take it out (use a knife to cut yourself a piece.) If you can't wait for it to heat up (DON'T RUN IT IN THE MICROWAVE!!), you can just start working the dough with your hands until it gets soft. Sprinkle it with a little bit of flour as you work. When the dough is managable and doesn't "crack", roll it with a rolling pin until it's about 1 mm thick. Cut out shapes with a cookie cutter, and put them on a baking plate (remember to put a baking sheet on it). If the baking plate is cold, your cookies will turn out the best. :)
Bake them in the oven at 175 degrees Celsius (347 F) for 6-8 minutes depending on how thick and big they are. :) Keep an eye on them. If they turn too dark you've overdone it. Perfect gingerbread cookies are slightly soft as you take them out, but harden quickly in the air.
You can keep gingerbread cookies for years, but they are usually eaten before that! ;)

If you don't use up all dough and don't want to keep it in your fridge you can freeze it. ^.^ Just remember that you can't heat it the way you'd normally heat things (i.e. microwave).

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Ten things that make me smile, and something cool!

I decided to list ten things that put a smile on my face, and I'd love for you to do the same. <3 Also, I'm doing something cool today! :D There is a Visualizing Center where I live - a place that's sparked my curiousity ever since it got there, but I never got to visit it. Today though, we're going there with school. It's a place packed with technology and cool things, I'll tell you more about it after I've been there! <3

Ten things that make me smile

1. My beloved. There is nowhere else I'd rather be. <3

2. Lolita. When I'm down I find my comfort in dresses, lace and sweet Lolita things. <3

3. Bunnies. I love bunnies. <3 They are so soft and cuddly and sweet.
4. Happy music. Mainly j-pop, since they are so bouncy and sound so happy!
5. Princess Princess (an anime). It always cracks me up! <3
6. Generous people. Whether they are generous to me personally or someone else doesn't matter, hearing their stories make me smile. <3
7. The sea. I find comfort in the waves rolling to shore.
8. Rainbows, northern lights and stars. The magic of the Earth.
9. The first snowfall. I love the first snow. <3 Even if it doesn't last.
10. When people remember me. I never expect it, and it always makes me happy.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Curse of the world

Money. We can't live without it - and I hate that dependency. It's a curse on all of those who don't have it, and it invokes greed in those that do. If you don't have any money, you're doomed. I'm surprised we're not even forced to pay fines for breathing, since everything else costs. Do you want to go somewhere? Pay up. Do you want to eat? Pay up. Do you want to drink? Pay up! Do you want a roof over your head? Pay up!

I hate being poor... It's like wearing heavy shackles you can't get rid of. Yeah, you guessed right, I paid all the bills today. And curse the bloodsuckers to Mars or something. Somewhere they can't touch me or anyone else. The most ridiculous, useless bill of them all is the tv license. Yes, we have to pay a ridiculous amount of money if we OWN a tv. They don't care if it's used or not...
And they say it's because it pays for independent tv and radio. We'll I never listen to the radio, and I never watch the channels that have this 'independent' tv, since they never show anything interesting. If I want news I just read them online. So it's a useless weight on my shackles.
*sigh* And now our new teacher has decided that we are good students - and proceeds to whip us for it. Things aren't exactly looking up...

I wish people would buy things I've made, on Etsy and the webshop, just so I can breathe a little bit easier and sleep better. :(

Monday, 24 October 2011

A trip to Ikea and a new desk

While Ikea might not exactly be one of the more exclusive stores, it's a place that fits my wallet right now, and my desk was falling apart! So. We took a trip there yesterday, and got a new desk for me and some cooking utensils. The new desk is a sturdy thing, a common study desk - and the depressing colour black. I might paint it at a later time, but right now it is as it is.
With a new desk, a new layout of the furniture was due, and to be honest - it looks so much better now! We have been discussing moving the sofa and tv around too, so maybe we'll do that today. We'll see. :) Don't you love rearranging a bit too sometimes? It's quite lovely, I think. It makes the place feel new.

I'm trying to supress the urge to bake gingerbread's not even november yet!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Home dress

I know there are a lot more part-time Lolitas out there than there are full-time Lolitas, but still, this post is dedicated to the full-timers. :) As you know, I'm a full time Lolita. The occassions I wear "normal" clothes are very few, and tend to only be if the weather is particularly frightful, or if I'm short on time for school.
That, of course, means that I wear Lolita at home as well. The home dresses are quite different from the 'out' dresses, though!
With home dresses, you don't want anything that is tight, or snug in the wrong places, so they aren't exactly like the out dresses. Consider the home dress the Lolita's version of a t.shirt and slacks. ;) I just recently made another home dress, and it looks like on the picture. I wear it with pink drawers with lots of lace, since it doesn't matter if the lace peeks or not. I don't wear a petticoat with it either.

Do you have any home dresses, and what do they look like? :)

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Lolita nightwear

This has been on my mind for a while now. Sewing good nightwear - and finding a suitable fabric for them - is really difficult. For lolita, a lot of the popular sleeping wear fabrics don't work. And then there's the nightcap... In old days, ladies wore nightcaps - and after watching a show of 'How clean is your house?' when they spoke about dirty pillows, I think they were right in wearing them. But how to make a nightcap that isn't uncomfortable, and doesn't need to be tied beneath the chin?
It's tricky.
(Hats in general is interesting but tricky, whether it's a bonnet or a nightcap. I found an interesting webpage with Victorian hats if you are curious: Victorian hats)

I also found this cute picture. I have no idea who drew it, but it made me pick up the question about nightwear and nightcaps again.

Her skirt is of course way too short, but the detail I like about it is the face and - yes - the nightcap. It's very cute. :) The older models were very interesting, since they were sewn to 'gather up' the hair too, and not only sit on the head like this model does. Cute versus practical... *sigh*

Friday, 21 October 2011

Exam and cake

Today was the exam, and I'm happy - it feels like I did good. :D It won't be the end of the world if the feeling is too optimistic, but if I've interpreted the problems correctly I should have a passing grade. :) You never know those things until after of course, but I'd like to think I passed.
My beloved greeted me with cake afterwards! :D A pink Napoleon cake. <3 (If you don't know what I Napoleon cake is, think of a cake with pastry instead of sponge cake, with cream and vanilla cream inside, topped off with pink glace.) It was very tasty. <3

And now then? To be honest, I'm not sure. I could of course look at the course book for C++ (the course starts on tuesday). Or maybe I should just relax, take a well-earned break until monday, and look at the C++ book then instead. Hm... Oh well! We'll see. :)

Meanwhile...I'll make some cute Christmas ornaments for the fair. :)

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Exam and apple crumble

Tomorrow it is. A big computer exam, where most of the problems are things I need to code... I've been studying hard for this, so I feel oddly at peace right now. I know that I couldn't possibly have studied any more than I have, so if I don't pass this time around I can at least be proud of my effort.
That said, I'll probably be so nervous tomorrow morning I won't be able to eat breakfast... *laugh* It will go as it will, nothing to fret about, really.
I made an apple crumble today, with the fine, red apples I got from the grocery store. That with vanilla ice cream - yum! <3 I finished my autumn coat as well, though while it's water proof it's not as warm as I expected it to be. A pity. Oh well, at least it looks cute. :)
I got an invitation to stand at the museum's Christmas fair today, and I think I will. It was fun last year, even though it was a bit could. This time I'll be better prepared. I've got plans to decorate the stand and bring extra blankets and a foldable chair. And hot chocolate. Lots of hot chocolate. I've realised that's a must if you're going to stand outside for five hours. But it's all part of the charm. <3

(Picture from

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Oral exam and black velvet

Today I had an oral exam on my code, and I've been so nervous I couldn't really sleep tonight. It was compensated by the most beautiful sunrise I've seen in a very long time. <3 It kind of said 'it's going to be fine' to me.
That said, it didn't really keep me from being a jitter of nerves! So, what do a Lolita do when really nervous about something? I don't know about you, but I find comfort in my Lolita-things... The clothes, the beads, the fabrics... So I made a little black velvet bow for my hair. I know...I know, it's a little bit silly, but I wear Lolita because I love it - because it makes me happy. So it felt like the natural choice.
The oral exam - well I very nearly got there late. The bus had problems and got out on the road a bit late, and I barely got to the exam in time - it was really a matter of seconds, even though I ran the last bit. And I never run unless it's absolutely necessary! *laughter*
The exam itself was not very hard, I passed it, but I was trembling the entire time. Isn't that silly? I'm happy it's over.
I'm not off the hook yet though. Tonight I'm reading up on data types. Not a lot and not very complicated, thank goodness! I'm thinking about how to comfort myself on the friday test. I wonder if they allow candy during the test? I mean, it's not like I'd write any cheats on my candy wrappers...

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Rainy days - the cute way

Remember the post I had way back about being cute while it's raining? :) Back then the subject was wellingtons, and today it's rain ponchos. Maybe you've come across them somewhere - in all the colours of the rainbow and more, and maybe you've seen why they are good - and if not you'll know soon. :)

Umbrellas are lovely, yes they are, and they come in beautiful designs - but they're not all that good at keeping you dry, and if it's windy - well... Whenever I'm walking with an umbrella if it's a bit windy, I'm always worried that my bag will get wet. I solved that by buying a rain poncho, you know the kind - with a hood. Of course, it's pink! Anyway, my point here is that while an umbrella - even a folded one - takes a lot of space and can't handle any rain, a rain poncho is a very good accessory to tuck away into your back. It can usually be folded flat, weigh very little and since it's soft there's never any risk of it breaking - unless it's cut. The hoods are also usually big, so they won't ruin the hairdo.

But keeping a plastic bag with a poncho inside it isn't very charming, so I made a little bag for mine. :) Nobody likes to get wet (usually), and I'm no exeption. So I keep my poncho in my bag if disaster strikes and I end up in the rain. :)

Monday, 17 October 2011

Icecream bag and a new haircut

Five days left to the big test, and I've been studying using a technique I've learned. :) Focused reading for an hour, then a break, rinse and repeat. ;) So far it's worked great, I'm not as exhausted as I was before, and I feel I'm actually learning something.
That, and I have some time during the breaks to rest my brain and do something else. So I've been sewing a little. I made this adorable bag (which I'm keeping for myself *giggles*) with icecreams on it after watching a couple of episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. (Amazing series by the way, very funny!)
Also, I cut bangs again. It's been a while since I had bangs, since my hair is naturally curly it tends to be a bit...wild if it's short. So I decided to give it another shot, this time using styling mousse.
So far, so good. <3 It's not completely even since my dearest cut a bit askew, but my hair grows so fast it'll be in a nick. :) It's cute either way. <3

What do you think? Should I make more and put up on Etsy? :) I'm considering getting red and green fabric and make some Christmas bags.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Are you preparing for X-mas?

Since I live in a country where we have shorter and darker days in winter and usually snow on Christmas, I guess it comes naturally to love the season. :) I've always loved this holiday - and not because I'm Christian, because I'm not, so that's not my reason for celebrating. No, I love it because of the atmosphere. <3

I love it when the days get shorter, and people set up chandeliers in their windows and decorate the bushes and trees with just enough holiday lights for them to resemble the starlit skies, but not bright enough to light up. It looks as if the stars have fallen down into the gardens, and it's so pretty. <3
I love getting up in the morning, drink a hot cup of chocolate and revel in the scent of cinnamon, ginger and saffron. When people sing carols and every store is bustling with life, of people tenderly wrapping presents the best they can. When white snow covers everything, and as the first rays of sunlight strike the trees; they resemble crystal trees from a faraway magical land.
I love the many tiny, porcelain santas sitting in every corner of the house, and all the curtains and table cloths go in the classic colors; red, green and snowy white. I love lighting candles, drinking milk and eat gingerbread cookies while preparing for the great Christmas feast - just as in the old times. :)
The great feast is typical Swedish I think (I don't know). We don't have any turkey-dinner like many other countries, Sweden has no such tradition. No, we make a Christmas smorgasbord equivalent (do you recognise that word? :) It's originally Swedish!) with so much food it lasts for days and days, with all the dishes we love. Every Christmas table looks essentially the same, give or take a few dishes for every family.
I love building up for that feast, stuffing away food in the freezer until it's so full nothing else can go in there... *laugh*

But I've derailed a bit. :) What I was going to talk about was embroidery. I've found an old magazine with really old, Victorian cross stitch patterns! <3 They're really pretty, and they represent that old, beautiful Christmas we don't have anymore - with handmade toys, rocking horses, porcelain dolls, snow globes and toy trains, far away from cheap plastic toys and awful, singing plastic trees or santas.
I'm going to embroider every pattern in there, and I'm going to be very, very happy. <3

Monday, 10 October 2011

Autumn pastime

Lately I have a had very little free time because of studies, but I've started to allow myself to relax now. Yesterday I told myself not to think about studies at all, to let my head rest (which I did, more or less...except for an hour in the evening...).
So what to do now? Autumn is my favourite season, even though you can't really have picnics or pick flowers. I love to take strolls in town and in the nearby forest, and to sit down in the sofa with blankets and hot chocolate with a book, or why not a knitting project?
I bought very nice yarn the other day. It's a deep red colour, so dark it's almost maroon. I have some loose plans to knit another cardigan - although I've started at three and only finished one... But it's fun to knit! <3

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Shooting stars

Tonight something exciting will happen, something that we don't see often - a meteor rain, or, as is more popular and more romantic; a rain of shooting stars.
It's expected before 23 pm here in Sweden, so I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to watch the Northern Star and wait for the magic to happen. <3 We have the perfect view from our living room.
You know how they say that if you see a shooting star, make a wish? :) Don't forget to make your own wishes tonight! <3 Let us just hope the sky will be clear tonight!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Harry Potter fever

I've mentioned Harry Potter many times before, and now that the days are getting shorter and we are drawing nearer to Halloween, the release of Pottermore, and last - to not say the least - the release of the very last Harry Potter movie on DVD.
When the movie hits the stores, we've decided to have a Harry Potter marathon, and watch all the movies. :D And eat a BIG dinner in best Great Hall-fashion with all the best goodies. <3 It's going to be great! :D

"I open at the close" J.K.Rowling

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Sunny, cold morning

I just love those very first, crisp mornings that follow after the first cold nights in autumn. When the trees shed heaps of dry leaves in a single night, and you go shuffling through that bright coloured fantasy world. I really love it. <3 I love the sound of leaves as you walk through them, buried well over the ankles. :)
It is really pretty outside now. <3 A perfect day for Harry Potter and a cup of hot chocolate. :D And studies of course!
I'm meeting with my project partner at the campus in a couple of hours, we're planning to pretty much finish up today. At least that's the plan. :) The difficult bit is finished, so now it's linking the whole thing together left. The only thing I'm a bit concerned about is how to make a search window, but I suppose we'll simply combine html with our data warehouse. But now I'm speaking nonsense for you! I'm sorry about that. ;)

Still waiting for the zipper to the velvet skirt. It's lying here looking a bit lonely. I'm guessing I'll have the zippers soon! :) I also need to try the Mary Jane-shoe pattern I made. But I don't know when I'll have time for that... The big test is the 21st of October, and since I've found my inner Hermione (studying is fun when you like the subject!) I'll probably be spending most of my time studying for that. ;)
After the big test, we'll be moving on from Python to C++. That should be interesting...and scary...

(Picture from Pixdaus)

Monday, 3 October 2011

A doll's eyes

Yesterday I started fitting the eyes for the doll, and today I finished doing that. :) So now her eyes are even, she has eyelids and the eyes themselves are closely fitted. I wasn't sure what size would be best, but these are 20 mm, and they appear to be a perfect fit. :) I bought a pair of 18 mm too, but they just don't look as good on her. They make her appear a bit frightened! *laughs*

As you can see, I've given the surface of her face a work-over too, since it wasn't completely even. I also fixed around her mouth. Some shadow of something made her look a bit pouty, but now she's mischievous instead. *facepalm*
I have a plan about her skin, but it isn't perfect yet and I don't want to ruin her. My plan is to pain her with a thin layer of latex mixed with a tiny bit of skin-coloured pigment. It would make her water proof and give a nice friction to her joints, so in theory it's a good idea. It would also make her seem more alive if I can pull it off. Right now though, it feels like I might be better off painting her with latex and then airbrushing her, but I've never airbrushed before.
Ah, decisions, decisions. XD I'll come up with a good plan eventually. Either way I'm too busy with school right now to have time to work on a doll.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

New router and study techniques

As some of you know we had a router that was breaking down, so internet was more than a little unstable... But yesterday we installed the new one! :D And its' design made it possible to remove a lot of flexes lying about, so it looks much better now. <3
And it's working great! :D

Also, the netbook is no longer plagued by Windows 7 starter, it now has Linux instead. ^.^ So now my studying will be a lot smoother. <3 And I get time to get used to Emacs, because like it or not - that's what we're going to use for school and most importantly on the tests. Phew! I've been working in it all morning and so far it hasn't trolled me once... *giggles* any of you have any good study tips for tests? I never really learned to study since school was too easy. ^.^;; And now I really need to do that, so my technique is a bit lacking. I've tried reading and writing down important pointers, but it takes forever. x.x Is it the way to go?

Friday, 30 September 2011

Chilly morning and lolita tips

Looking out this morning, I just know it's going to be a cold day... And because of that, I'm going to give you more of my Lolita-tips! :D How to stay warm in a skirt!
We all know the problem. When the temperature drops, there comes a time when bare knees is cold and when you really need something a bit more warming than a cardigan or a cape. But how to persist through a snowy winter without freezing to death?
It is possible, my lovelies. <3


First step is to protect the legs from the wind. If you sift through the tights at different clothing stores, you will find that they come in many lolita-friendly designs and various thickness. You can either get yourself a pair and wear it instead of knee-highs, or you can get a skin-coloured pair and wear knee-highs outside. :)
The second option is actually not so bad, and it's definitely warm. For this I recommend footless tights.

Warm drawers

One of the first items a true Lolita ever gets (beside a skirt) is a pair of drawers. Whether homesewn or bought, they follow us all year around. In winter though, they have a second, very important purpose. :) In winter, wear drawers that are as long as you dare (it's all right if they peek a little bit, if it's not too much) - since winter skirts are recommended to be an inch or two longer (it makes a big difference!) that's easy. :)
Secondly, think about the material. Flimsy cotton won't keep you warm at all! I may have mentioned it before, but knitted drawers or drawers made in warm, soft fabrics (like fleece or plush). If you feel very insecure about how other Lolitas may think if they see certain fabrics (even though they seem ideal for warm drawers) then sew them in double fabrics - one on the outside that looks all right, and the warm, soft fabric on the inside.


For all of you who live in a climate where it gets colder in the winter, and who's been wearing Lolita at an everyday basis, knows that not all dresses or skirts are suitable for any weather. For example, some dresses really hate rain, and some get too hot in summer - or too cold in the winter.
Chosing the right dress is almost as important as chosing the right coat or the right shoes (don't wear thin, leather shoes in winter, you'll regret it!). Avoid all fabrics with polyester in them in winter, and always wear long sleeves.
In winter, in combination with a nice coat, a little bit longer skirts and dresses are allowed, I even recommend them. An inch or two is quite all right, just to keep your knees a bit warmer. Also, I don't recommend synthetic petticoats in winter, because they gather too much cold beneath the skirt. Wear a multilayered one instead!


Of course, the ideal shoe or boot in winter would be a bulky, ugly thing that would not do for us at all! So what to do? Either we take pains on going through every shoe store we can find - both on and off the net - for the perfect boots...or we take an 'all right' boot/shoe and make it work! :)
How? Read on. <3
One idea, that might work best for EGL or more classy styles, are gaiters. :) You can easily make them yourself in any suitable material (washable is recommended though), put elastics under the sole of the boot/shoe and button it up every time you wear them. :) It would make any shoe or boot look classy, and even out the ugliness.
A new thing that has popped up lately I've noticed (may or may not be new - but I recently noticed!) is a fake 'fold-me-down'. That is, you pull them on before your boots, and then fold them over the top. The models I've seen are faux fur ones, and they look very cute. <3
I'd say that in combination with regular boots would enhance them and pretty them up. Another tip is also to change the shoelaces into satin ribbons. :) It looks very charming.
For socks, I recommend knitted knee-highs, and/or tights and shorter socks in angora, that can be folded down prettily. 
And if your feet are still cold? Then go to a shoe store and buy thermo soles to put inside your shoes/boots (they come in big sizes so you cut them in the right one). They'll make a huge difference. <3

Did I forget anything? o.o Oh, yes! I did! Scarves and hats!

Scarves, hats and earmuffs

There are a lot of charming hats and scarves out there, but it might be hard to find suitable ones. For me, I go with earmuffs or a knitted bonnet, because they both look cute and feel warm. :) Bonnets are really easy to make (even if it takes a bit of time), and are easy to make cute.
Scarves, well, I recommend knitted ones, or faux fur ones (like the cat or bunny scarves I sell). Because I greatly dislike synthetic materials, especially in winter, because it both doesn't look nice and it's not very warm. The only thing I could find acceptable, is if you make something out of coral fleece. (Coral fleece is not like regular fleece, it's much softer and with 'hair' much like faux fur.) Like...a cape with a hood, with bunny ears maybe. :)
Be creative! <3 It is possible to be warm and still be cute! <3

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Books and blouses

Today the school books I ordered arrived! Weighing a wooping 5 kg. Phew! :) Thankfully I brought the shopping bag so I didn't have to carry them, or I'd have been very tired indeed! it was four books, and three of them where very thick and heavy. All of them programming books... :)

I've been meaning to get myself a few blouses, since - let's face it - I'm really bad at sewing them myself... *sigh* It's sad, but true. Since I'm a bit on a budget, I've been looking around for some nice, affordable blouses. It may not sound like such a difficult hunt, but add to that I'm quite picky... So. I finally found what I've been looking for at a quite unexpected place. :) Do any of you remember Anna House Fashion? I know I've just passed by a few times, noting that their homepage wasn't very well made, and moved on.
It turns out that they have very good reviews, well-made, customizable products and - yes, most important of all - a wide variety of very cute blouses. I'm very picky what fabrics are being used, how they're sewn and what lace is used - and how!
Anna House's blouses will also work very well with my wardrobe, since I usually use the kind of lace they do on my own projects. If I bought some other brand...let's say Baby, then I'd be forced to either sew items tht used similar lace to what I bought from them, or buy a coordinate which would be a very expensive affair.

I've never been a brand girl, although I can acknowledge that a lot of brand items are well made and prett - so can something entirely handmade be, and the fit is usually a lot better on us western girls. ;) Customised clothes beats brand any day. <3

Monday, 26 September 2011


Yes, it's getting closer. :) On Tuesday I have a prep-exam, which is optional but I'm planning on taking it. I was a bit nervous about it - all right, a lot - but then I looked at what I'd actually have exam on, and realised that I already know this. In theory, the prep-exam should be easy.
Let's see if it really is, shall we? *giggles* I've had very little confidence after the dramatic start of my University period, but now that I look back I realise that I've actually learned something. It was a big relief to realise.

I bid you all a good night and sweet dreams. <3

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Zakka and bonnet

I stopped working a bit on the velvet skirt, because I want to have a very pretty zipper on it - a Zakka zipper! <3 I ordered a set of five of those cute zippers, and the first one will go on the skirt, of course! Aren't they adorable?

I can't possibly imagine any more Lolita-ish zippers, can you? :)

Also, I made a matching cape to the skirt, and am now working on a bonnet. I'm still slightly uncomfortable with bonnets since I have no looks a bit odd without bangs. :( But I'm planning to go to a hair dresser and have her fix my hair. :) Curls and bangs, like a cute doll. <3 I'm so looking forward to that!

As usual I'm a lousy photographer, but... *blush* There it is. the cape. :)

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Velvet dream

Have you ever found something that you felt you wanted at first sight? Something that was so you, you just had to have it? And even worse...saw it in a picture somewhere with no way of buying it, or it was way too expensive for you? *chuckles*
I'm sure we all have things like that. Hardly surprising, pretty much all things I've found have been Lolita-related in some way. But I have one advantage, and that's that most things I see are things I can sew or make. A while back, I saw a picture of a white velvet skirt that was truly dreamy. <3 It was so pretty and luxurious, and I thought 'oh, that is so lovely <3'.
So I started looking for white velvet. You'd think that surely such a thing would be easy to find - I mean, wouldn't any store with wedding dress fabrics have it? No such luck. Etsy were the only place to have it, and only one seller could provide it. Isn't that strange?
So way back then I got a couple of yards of white velvet, meaning to make a skirt and a small matching cape out of it.

You know, it's so strange, when you have a fabric that is really lovely, and you know you can't easily buy more of it - it's hard to gather enough courage to cut it? I think I've mentioned it before. But it's such a pity when it's just lying there in the cloth chest - you know exactly what it's going to become and how to do it, but can't bring yourself to actually cut...

So I finally did that the other day, and the skirt is finally coming along. <3

Friday, 23 September 2011

Jelly beans and scary lessons

Ahh, I feel silly but I'm having nightmares before each so-called "dojo" in school... It means we sit in a small group, and at all times two people are at the computer typing - one typing, one telling what to type - and everything turns up on a large screen.
I tend to panic when it's my turn to tell. ^.^;; Had all these nightmares tonight before it, and I almost had a complete blank out when it was my turn up there... I managed, somehow, but the assignment was really difficult and I only had a vague idea how to solve it. I'm glad it's over. Now it's an entire week until next one... XD

We don't really have a tradition of Jelly-beans here. The regular swedish jelly beans are the one that's mostly just sugar, without any real taste, that just come in happy colours because people want happy colours on their candy... So, I've been experimenting  a bit with different brands of jellybeans, and I've come to the conclusion that not only do they differ widely in terms of taste, but flavour too! Some have very vague flavours and some really strong.

After my testing I've come to the conclusion that Jelly Belly beans have the most flavour, and they really taste like what they're supposed to taste like. :) I don't care much for the water melon, but the rest are really good! <3

Thursday, 22 September 2011


Today I've been studying, much like all days, but I also decided to take a small stroll in town and shop for the first time in months. Of course, first I had to pay a visit to my optician, since I really need new glasses - the ones I have are old and quite scratched by the years of use.
I had expected the glasses to be an expensive affair, but it turns out I finally have some real luck! <3 None of the glasses they had on the shelves were to my liking, and expensive to boot, so they brought out some glasses they had beneath the counter - which were both my style and around fourth to sixth times cheaper!
So in two weeks I'll have new glasses which won't be scratched. <3 Such a relief!

After that I went strolling in the other stores, and found a few things, like a mini cup cake baking tray and this adorable little milk can. <3

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


I know I said weeks ago that autumn seemed to have come. Now, it's in full bloom. :) Outside the skies are gray with a slight drizzle of rain, and the trees have started to change colour. It's so pretty. <3 Such a calm, gentle weather with not a gust of wind.
And here I am indoors, with pretzels and hot cocoa. <3 Despite my lack of energy due to the cold, I've still managed to clean the apartment and bake pretzels - and study. Although I do admit my brain is still too tired to focus on the code I'm reading, I don't quite understand it yet.

Oh, and I've found a coat stand I want! Problem's in a picture, and I have no idea where it was bought. *sigh* I can't really tell you where I found the picture, and I don't know who the girl is (but it is, of course, not me), but here it is:

I wish I knew someone that could work metal and make one for me, because I highly doubt things like it would ever become available in Sweden. :( Why do Sweden keep underestimating cute things for grownups? I've seen so many cute things in other countries, but here everyone seems to love discreet things, gray and boring things that don't stand out.
At least I found cute pink and black socks with bows on them the other day. <3 It's a step in the right direction!!

Sunday, 18 September 2011


All right, what is the best way to cheer up a sad lolita...?

Why of course, a trip to Candyland! *squees* The drizzle or gray skies outside doesn't bother me right now. XD We're going to Candyland! <3 I don't plan on buying anything (oh all right, maaaaybe something small...) but it's like a cute adventure in a candy forest, it's such a huge place!

My only regret is that they don't seem to have Harry Potter candy. T_T But who knows? Maybe they will!

And now the big question...what am I going to wear...? o.o

Friday, 16 September 2011

Trying days

I came down with a cold on wednesday, hardly surprising since when a lot of people come together close to each other - like at a University, and especially at the campus bus - colds start up somewhere and spread quickly.
The timing couldn't have been worse though. Had a seminar yesterday, and a so-called 'programming dojo' today (a small group of students - 6 in our case solve related problems during discussion and processes.) These were compulsory, so cold or no cold - I had to go or end up with extra school work, which I hardly need at the moment.
So it's been two long days. Of course, it didn't help that I didn't double check the schedule and showed up five ours too early to the seminar with no possibility to go home again. *facepalm*

But now I sound whiny, I'm sorry. :) I started up this blog to write light, cheery posts - and I will, once this storm as passed. I promise. <3 It is a Lolita-blog, and not a ventilation blog - although I have been a bit too hard pressed lately to actually be able to draw out the little joys in life.

It will return. <3 Not to worry.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

New shoes

As I said in an earlier post, my mother called, and more or less ordered me to buy new shoes since none of my shoes are water proof and they've obviously been very bad for my feet too.
So yeah, that's what we did. I couldn't support the foot yesterday evening, so comfortable shoes were a welcome luxury. I haven't had that in a very long time, I always buy cheap shoes that last one season. *sigh*

But from the money my mother gave me for shoes, I got a real pair for the first time in five years. A pretty pair of Eccho shoes, that will hopefully serve me well for many years to come. To say I'm not happy would be a lie, so yes, I am happy she decided to give them to me. They're both handsome and comfortable.

The last points were finally handed in. If they won't give up arguing about the money that's rightfully mine I don't know what to do. *sigh*

Little joy

I just realised that one of the apples my beloved picked up yesterday was a Transparente Blanche.

My favourite apple sort.

A lot of apples fell in the storm...

Brush with eternity

Life isn't fair. I learned that from the start, and I've been trying, trying, trying so hard to keep the cheer up. You know the saying 'when it rains, it pours'? That couldn't have been more true for my life... My only ray of sunshine is my beloved, and that I've finally made friends.
My road here is littered with disappointments, being abandoned, losing things - both live and objects - ending up in places were I'm trapped, manipulative crushes, lies, psycopaths, accidents and then of course goddamned bureaucracy.

...isn't it enough now? Apparently not. Yesterday I was almost crushed by a tree that decided to fall where I was standing. I managed to slip away since I heard the sound before I saw it falling... But why me? Why now? Why on top of everything else that's gone to hell lately.
I just want some luck now... I really need some luck.

It's good I have such good friends, or this would have been impossible. I love you all. <3

As I wrote this, mum called. It's ok for now.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

The Cupcake method

No, I'm not crazy. *giggles* Hear me out first, okay? <3

A lot of people think that Lolitas need to be thin and able to eat lots of sweets and pastries - and still don't gain any weight! I think I hardly need to say that isn't true for the most of us! *giggles* It is, however, true that brands like Baby the Stars Shine Bright only have dresses in one size (Size chart for BSSB-dresses).
So, what to do to keep the weight under control?

First of all, I think that most diets out there are very unrealistic, demanding a lot of their followers. Also, I feel I don't want to stop eating certain foods and well... I came up with my own solution, which works for me (meaning that it's not sure it works for everyone). I call it the 'cupcake method', for a very logical reason. :)

I have these silicon cupcake moulds that I use in my bento-boxes.

I use them instead of paper ones, since these are so much more practical and easy to clean - and they don't get soggy. Anyway, when I eat food, I make it two cupcakes. :) Yes, I put my food into two cupcakes, and that's the perfect amount for me. It's enough so you get full, and it helps you find your ideal weight and stay there. :)

So that's my cupcake method! *giggles* Easy and cute. <3 And it's perfect for making really cute food. :) And yup! Can be heated (obviously!) too, which gives so much variety! Everything from risotto to tiny sufflés, onigiri and apple crumbles (if you cut the apples in tiny pieces).

Tip! If you make onigiris and don't like it when they get wet, put something in the box to gather the  condensation. For example a dried prune or a napkin.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Apples and sunshine

Even before I got out of bed this morning, I knew it would be lovely day. <3 Little rays of sunshine slipped through the blinders even in early morning, and it was the perfect late summer day. Perfect weather to risk wearing my favourite shoes!

I love them so much, and they're not selling them anymore so I'm being extra careful... Aren't they the prettiest? <3 I'm not wearing them when it's risk of rain, not if the ground is wet, or if there is sand, or mud, or gravel... *blush* They're my babies. And today was the perfect weather to wear them!

The apple season is here, with lots and lots of apples, so I'm making an apple crumble today. <3 With cinnamon, of course! <3

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Lovely day

It's really been such a lovely day today, and the sun is still a brilliant gem in the sky. :) I woke up tired, and were tired all day in school until I got home and got some descent food... *giggles* I'm awake now! Honest!

Once I'm done with all I need to do today I'm definitely going to create something. <3 I think it will probably be underwear, I have cut pieces to a pair of drawers, and I'm considering attaching them to a camisole and decorate with lots and lots of lace and frills. <3 It will be cute! <3

I might also attach them to a blouse with poofy sleeves. Imagine that for wearing at home! <3 But maybe I need a bit more...mmm...relax-friendly fabric. Whatever that would be I'm unsure. o.o

Dinner is in the oven and I'm listening to up-beat J-pop... It's the best thing when in need of energy! So I'm going to share the recipe of what I'm making with you! It de-li-ci-ous! <3

Cabbage pudding (4 portions, 6 if small)

500 g minced meat (prefferably pork because it's jucier)
A few handfuls of chopped cabbage
A tiny bit of golden sirup
salt & pepper
Some cream (not whipped)
(mushrooms if you like)
A little soy sauce

How to

First put a little butter in a frying pan, and toss in the cabbage (and mushrooms if you use it). Let it fry a bit until it 'sinks' into the pan (you'll see!). Once it does, sprinkle some golden sirup over it and stir. Let is sit a little bit longer until it's soft.
Remove it from the stove and mix it with all other ingredients in a bowl, and then pour it into a oven form (rectangular or rount - it's up to you!). Put it in the oven and let it bake until it's starting to colour. Check it with a spoon to make sure the minced meat is properly cooked - you don't want it raw!

Serve with potatoes, cream sauce and lingonberry jam (I think the more common equivalent would be cranberry jam - not a sweet jam!). Yummy! <3

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Early morning musings

Today I woke to a brilliant sunrise. <3 It was truly beautiful, a sort of heavenly light coming through the clouds and spreading along the horizon. Maybe it's a sign that the struggles are soon over? :)

I already have plans what to do once I get my money... *sigh* First of all, a big dinner. I know, it sounds kind of sad, but I've had to really turn every coin to make sure it's been stretched as thinly as possible before I get any money at all. As it is I'll probably get my money in two weeks as soonest.
I think the food will last until then, but it will be very boring food.

Eh, anyway! XD After the dinner I'll contact the company that is holding my laptop and tell them to send it, and shoes. I have no water tight shoes and with fall approaching rapidly that will mean very wet feet soon unless I'm to wear wellingtons to school. ^.^;;

And a new bus card of course. The last days before I get my money I probably won't be able to go to school unless it is absolutely necessary, since my bus card will run out the 15th of september. Argh! I'm not supposed to have to worry about this, dammit! I'm supposed to put all my energy into having fun, meeting new people, learn new things!! Not angst over money! *throws tantrum*

Sometimes I hate rules. Rules is what made this happen. And they'd only have changed their mind if I had had a death in the family. Isn't that cruel? =.= I mean, people CAN have other reasons. And no, of COURSE it's not my previous school's fault...nope, not at all... I'm so angry with Gävle Högskola I wish they could just disappear from the face of the Earth. Blow up or something.

This is all their fault. Yes, I am blaming them for all of this.

Okay, rant over. *deep breath* Need a new kitchen table too, and eyes for the doll. She's been on standby for a while now, the poor thing. :(

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Rainy evening

As I sit here listening to the pitter patter of rain against the living room window, I realise that for the first time in a while I have a quiet, calm evening. I've been so busy lately, pushing myself because...well...because of money, really. Or lack thereof.
I wish I could come up with a design that people would buy on Etsy...that would help tremendously. But I don't know what people wants, or how much they are willing to pay for it either. I've tried but I'm clearly not cut for a businesswoman in this world of cheap plastic toys and cheap clothes in bad materials sewn by children in poor countries...

I don't mean to sound bitter. I'm just so very tired. *sends hugs*

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Thunder and Misunderstandings

You know when you go to bed, it's a fine evening and not a cloud in sight - only to be abruptly woken up by thunder a few hours later? I got up staggering like a drunk, to pull the cords on our computers and the tv - too tired to be afraid - but once I got back to bed...
I don't fear a lot of things, but...that thunder. I learned even as a kid that it's not the sound that should be scary, but the light. And the flashes of light in this thunderstorm was so strong they lit up our whole apartment every time. It was frightening, and hard to ignore.
Towards the end there were only flashes and no sound... Just an eerie silence after each flashing light.

And then there was rain.

Yesterday I pondered a bit on how easy it is to misunderstand each other. A friend of mine ranted on about how people tend to take things personally - and lash out personally as a sort of petty 'revenge', even if the statement wasn't personal to begin with. I think it's kind of sad.
Most of the time we don't do things to be mean, we don't say things to be mean - often an offensive statement is usually more of a statement of concern, something we wish others to learn from so they don't make unnecessary mistakes. But that doesn't work well with the most primitive part of the brain (more active in some people) who instantly defend themselves aggressively without thinking - taking every little thing as a personal offense.

I mean... I never do things to be mean. There's always a bigger meaning to the things that might sound offensive, and most often it's a worry that drives it. I want people to be happy. You know the old question people can never seem to answer; "What's the meaning of life?"
I have my answer, and I wonder why it was so difficult to see: "Happiness".
In my happiness harsch words and enemies have no place, I wish to live out every day the best I can, and be happy. I don't bother myself with quarrels. I wish more people would do that, because that would mean less wounded prides.
It's not so difficult to just stop the feeling of resentment and pause for a moment, and ask yourself the questions: "Was that meant to be offensive? Was it directed at me? Do this person have a reason to worry about me? If I was that person...what would I think? Why would I say such a thing?"

And if it's still not clear...ask. Ask that person: How did you mean?

It's not hard. :) And every person that meant no offense will asnswer.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Reminder in an unexpected place

These first, two weeks of University life have been packed with information and fun. :) I'm enjoying this more than I thought I would, and although some of the pdf's we have received could have been quite a lot more pedagogical, everything have been FUN! <3
I never really looked forward to school much - sure, there were lots of fun when I studied to comic artist, but there were also a lot of hassle involved - but right now? I'm so happy. I don't mind one bit that i have to travel for 1-2 hours to and from school everyday, since the lessons are exactly what I wanted. :) There's been nothing boring, and the only tedious thing has been decrypting the pdfs... We even got our essay-assignment yesterday - and it sounds awesome!
Our group will be doing a small essay on how Bash works and an online tutorial on how to get started using it. :) And we have a bit over two weeks to make the first draft. I have a suspicion that's more time than we'll need, so I expect us to finish the assignment long before we're supposed to. ^.^

And this weekend? I'll be relaxing, of course, sewing a bit and...studying Python... *blushes* I can't help myself. *laughs* I think I will probably live, breathe and sleep programming these three years.

Oh yes, I almost forgot explaining the title. Even if things are really looking out now, there will probably come a time when I think 'I can't do this!'. You know the feeling. But... I logged onto Msn and saw something I wrote many years ago as a status (I haven't used Msn in years) - "Nothing is Impossible".

That's very true. :) It isn't impossible, it's just hard. And hard things can be overcome.