Five days left to the big test, and I've been studying using a technique I've learned. :) Focused reading for an hour, then a break, rinse and repeat. ;) So far it's worked great, I'm not as exhausted as I was before, and I feel I'm actually learning something.
That, and I have some time during the breaks to rest my brain and do something else. So I've been sewing a little. I made this adorable bag (which I'm keeping for myself *giggles*) with icecreams on it after watching a couple of episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. (Amazing series by the way, very funny!)
Also, I cut bangs again. It's been a while since I had bangs, since my hair is naturally curly it tends to be a bit...wild if it's short. So I decided to give it another shot, this time using styling mousse.
So far, so good. <3 It's not completely even since my dearest cut a bit askew, but my hair grows so fast it'll be in a nick. :) It's cute either way. <3
What do you think? Should I make more and put up on Etsy? :) I'm considering getting red and green fabric and make some Christmas bags.
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