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Saturday, 22 October 2011

Lolita nightwear

This has been on my mind for a while now. Sewing good nightwear - and finding a suitable fabric for them - is really difficult. For lolita, a lot of the popular sleeping wear fabrics don't work. And then there's the nightcap... In old days, ladies wore nightcaps - and after watching a show of 'How clean is your house?' when they spoke about dirty pillows, I think they were right in wearing them. But how to make a nightcap that isn't uncomfortable, and doesn't need to be tied beneath the chin?
It's tricky.
(Hats in general is interesting but tricky, whether it's a bonnet or a nightcap. I found an interesting webpage with Victorian hats if you are curious: Victorian hats)

I also found this cute picture. I have no idea who drew it, but it made me pick up the question about nightwear and nightcaps again.

Her skirt is of course way too short, but the detail I like about it is the face and - yes - the nightcap. It's very cute. :) The older models were very interesting, since they were sewn to 'gather up' the hair too, and not only sit on the head like this model does. Cute versus practical... *sigh*

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