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Monday, 3 October 2011

A doll's eyes

Yesterday I started fitting the eyes for the doll, and today I finished doing that. :) So now her eyes are even, she has eyelids and the eyes themselves are closely fitted. I wasn't sure what size would be best, but these are 20 mm, and they appear to be a perfect fit. :) I bought a pair of 18 mm too, but they just don't look as good on her. They make her appear a bit frightened! *laughs*

As you can see, I've given the surface of her face a work-over too, since it wasn't completely even. I also fixed around her mouth. Some shadow of something made her look a bit pouty, but now she's mischievous instead. *facepalm*
I have a plan about her skin, but it isn't perfect yet and I don't want to ruin her. My plan is to pain her with a thin layer of latex mixed with a tiny bit of skin-coloured pigment. It would make her water proof and give a nice friction to her joints, so in theory it's a good idea. It would also make her seem more alive if I can pull it off. Right now though, it feels like I might be better off painting her with latex and then airbrushing her, but I've never airbrushed before.
Ah, decisions, decisions. XD I'll come up with a good plan eventually. Either way I'm too busy with school right now to have time to work on a doll.

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