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Friday 16 September 2011

Trying days

I came down with a cold on wednesday, hardly surprising since when a lot of people come together close to each other - like at a University, and especially at the campus bus - colds start up somewhere and spread quickly.
The timing couldn't have been worse though. Had a seminar yesterday, and a so-called 'programming dojo' today (a small group of students - 6 in our case solve related problems during discussion and processes.) These were compulsory, so cold or no cold - I had to go or end up with extra school work, which I hardly need at the moment.
So it's been two long days. Of course, it didn't help that I didn't double check the schedule and showed up five ours too early to the seminar with no possibility to go home again. *facepalm*

But now I sound whiny, I'm sorry. :) I started up this blog to write light, cheery posts - and I will, once this storm as passed. I promise. <3 It is a Lolita-blog, and not a ventilation blog - although I have been a bit too hard pressed lately to actually be able to draw out the little joys in life.

It will return. <3 Not to worry.

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