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Saturday, 10 September 2011

The Cupcake method

No, I'm not crazy. *giggles* Hear me out first, okay? <3

A lot of people think that Lolitas need to be thin and able to eat lots of sweets and pastries - and still don't gain any weight! I think I hardly need to say that isn't true for the most of us! *giggles* It is, however, true that brands like Baby the Stars Shine Bright only have dresses in one size (Size chart for BSSB-dresses).
So, what to do to keep the weight under control?

First of all, I think that most diets out there are very unrealistic, demanding a lot of their followers. Also, I feel I don't want to stop eating certain foods and well... I came up with my own solution, which works for me (meaning that it's not sure it works for everyone). I call it the 'cupcake method', for a very logical reason. :)

I have these silicon cupcake moulds that I use in my bento-boxes.

I use them instead of paper ones, since these are so much more practical and easy to clean - and they don't get soggy. Anyway, when I eat food, I make it two cupcakes. :) Yes, I put my food into two cupcakes, and that's the perfect amount for me. It's enough so you get full, and it helps you find your ideal weight and stay there. :)

So that's my cupcake method! *giggles* Easy and cute. <3 And it's perfect for making really cute food. :) And yup! Can be heated (obviously!) too, which gives so much variety! Everything from risotto to tiny sufflés, onigiri and apple crumbles (if you cut the apples in tiny pieces).

Tip! If you make onigiris and don't like it when they get wet, put something in the box to gather the  condensation. For example a dried prune or a napkin.

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