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Sunday, 17 July 2011

Misshaps and yarn

Yesterday I had a bit of a nasty surprise. You see, I'd gotten a prescription for really strong pain killers, but I hadn't checked how long time they needed to work - turns out it was two hours, and well, yesterday I didn't have two hours. x.x
So I ended up in a world of hurt and heaving until there was nothing left in my tummy. >.< Not exactly what I'd like to do with my afternoon but not much I could do about it. ^.^;; I contacted my doctor in hopes of him coming up with a Plan B.

Right, after that bit of nastiness... I realised I don't have enough red yarn for my Gryffindor scarf. *chuckles* It didn't occur to me that I'd need more red than yellow so I accidentaly got one ball of yarn too many of the yellow type. Oh well. :) Maybe my beloved wants a Gryffindor scarf too!

....and just because I wanted to photo the work in progress, the batteries are out. *facepalm* I'll update later!

Here it is! :D


Duni said...

Hi Ida,

I hope you are feeling better today.

I quite sensitive to medication, so I have to be really careful too.

Your scarf sounds fun! I like the dark red with ochre yellow stripes.

Thanks for your comment regarding my blog template :)

hope you have a relaxing Sunday.take care,

Lowaina said...

Thank you Duni <3 yes, I feel better today. :) A bit careful what I eat but why wouldn't I?

Haha, I'm a big Harry Potter fan... So I couldn't resist. I do admit I prefer the 'later' designs from the movies, with the thin, yellow stripes. :)

Thank you. <3 You too!