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Saturday, 23 July 2011

A candle for the victims in Norway

Norway, our neighbour country, was struck by something unfathomable yesterday.
A bomb exploded in Oslo, killing 7 people and injuring many more. But that isn't all. At the same day, in a summer camp for teenagers, someone opens fire on the children. Shooting them off like hunting prey, one by one. 84 dead.
84 teenagers dead, for no reason at all.
And of course, people instantly yelled 'Al Qaida'. But I doubt that the man that did this - presumably both attacks - have anything to do with them, except maybe in his head. The mad man has been caught, so hopefully no one else will die because of him.
Such a useless, useless thing to do. So unnecessary. I reach out to all who died, all who lost someone because of this tragedy - whether it be child, sister, brother, friend... We light candles for you all.
To my own family and friends in Norway. To T and F who were working in Oslo that day. I'm grateful you are all right.


Duni said...

I was shocked to hear about it in the news. Prayers to the families and friends of the victims. Such a tragedy. There are fanatics like this all over Europe :(

Lowaina said...

It's awful. :( He's probably not a fanatic, just a psycopath. I wonder when society will realise that it's what's breeding these maniacs and not games or music or things like that...

They always try to find something else to blame. I'm starting to find it ridiculous.

This was such an unnecessary tragedy... I'm sad.