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Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Of course magic exists...

The last Harry Potter movie has finally entered the stage with amazing reviews. The full 8 movies - 18 hours of magic - must only make J.K.Rowling proud. While a lot of the details that captivates us in the books have been omitted in the first 6 films (and some things omitted in the last two simply because they are too frightening to see on screen) I love the movies.

I admit I wasn't one of the first to pick the Harry Potter books up. In fact, I didn't start reading them until The Goblet of Fire (for you who still haven't read them - and please do! - it's book nr 4) came out, and my sister had borrowed it from the library and forgot about it. It was a lazy, summer day, and without anything better to do I picked it up and started reading.
It was the first step. I couldn't put it down. I read it through in a single day, and the next day...I went to the library to borrow the previous books. Unfortunately, first book wasn't in, so the next book I read was the Chamber of Secrets, followed by the Prisoner of Azkaban - and only then I could get my hands on the first book. By buying it myself.
As I had already read the other three books, finally being able to read the first one...the pieces finally fell into place. It was a magical feeling... The world J.K. Rowling created so real it is tangible, you want to believe it exists.

And it does. It exists to every person who has read and loved the books, and I cannot imagine that a single person who saw the movies would not want to also read them. And for me, who read most of the books in Swedish, I also wanted to read them in English.
I've read and re-read the books so many times that the covers are worn and the first book starting to fall apart from love. And after I finished the last page in the 7th and final book...I felt that it wasn't over. The magic of Harry Potter is something that will last a long, long time, long before I have grown old and died. Because the magic exists, every child and adult who've read the books and seen it understands and believes.

And as my beloved said to me; Those who say that Harry Potter is trash, who tells us who love it to grow up, they haven't understood a thing. They're just like Uncle Vernon and Petunia - the worst kind of muggles.

Are you a muggle? :)

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