As some of you know, I applied to University yet again come April, since my earlier education has yielded few jobs. Sadly. So is the life of the artist.
I'm starting to wonder what they are doing that's taking so long. It's 11th of July now - less than two months to the start of the coarse - and still they haven't decided. I'm beginning to worry they don't have enough applicants for it to run. I certainly hope that's not the case!
All I can do right now is wait, and get more and more nervous and worried everyday. If I get's the end of being poor. If I get accepted, I will easily find work once my three years are up. For every summer that comes and goes, the dream of a cottage of my own, of freedom, has become more and more a hollow ache of longing in my soul.
It cannot go on like this for much longer. I need this, and I can't wait. If I get accepted this time around, then it's three years until that cottage can start being something more than just the shadowy outline of a dream. To become tangible and there.
By that time I'll be thirty years old. A third of my life gone past. It's been a long wait and I can't go on waiting for life to begin for much longer.
I just wish they'd make up their minds.
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