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Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Riots in London

Fourth day of the riot in London, and as I have a lot of friends who are currently afraid to leave their homes, I have to touch the subject...
For you who haven't heard, there was an incident a while back with a man that was killed by a police. A friendly demonstration was supposed to take place against this, but somehow people unrelated to the demonstration showed up, using the demonstration as an excuse to start a riot.
At the moment, they've arrested over 450 people - ages ranging from 11 to 46 last time I checked - and it's still spreading. Houses and cars are being put to flame, shops plundered, people abused - mainly police.
The most scary thing of it all, is that the main part of the rioting people are children, some as young as seven years old. I don't think they realise the impact this will have on their futures, and it seems that their parents don't care what they're doing...which I find even scarier.
The police are currently pleading to the parents to take their children off the streets.

I feel confident saying that this no longer have anything to do with that man who was shot by the police. This is children acting like children do, egging each other on. It's a game for them. See who can do worst, who can bring home the most expensive loot, before they're caught.
They don't care that they're making people lose their jobs, they don't care they're ruining stores, they don't give a thought to the people who lost their home to the flames, all their things. They don't give a damn as to the people who lost their cars to fire.

They don't care, because nobody's taught them too. They're too young to understand what they're doing. That this isn't a game. That it's a crime and people won't stand for it. Every single person rioting will have their due, their punishment. Black hoods won't help, when their friends rat them out - they're goners. And believe me, they will rat.
They will rat when the police tell them that they won't be able to get a job, loan, insurance or car license because they're in the police register for rioting, pillaging, arson, violence against the police, vandalism.... The list grows long. It will and have ruin their lives, and the less they tell the worst it'll get. Children don't understand that there are consequences for their actions until it's waved in front of their noses, especially if there's not been any parents there to teach them.

So yes. We haven't seen the last of this, even if the rioting should die down soon.

This is an extreme case of parenting gone wrong, ignited by a small core and sent berserk. Another proof that us humans are doing something wrong when we distance ourselves from each other, and stop caring. In and out.

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