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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Drawers and piano music

It's a lovely morning here. <3 It's not exactly sunny, but it's a pleasant temperature, with a gentle breeze. I've already been awake a couple of hours (woke up at half past five, but I didn't get up until slightly later), and spent the time perfecting my drawers-pattern.
I think that usually when you find patterns, the drawers are too snug and too long. But if you cut too much, they will start riding up and it will be really uncomfortable. So after many different versions through the year, I've finally perfected my pattern. It's the perfect length, so no peeking out from the skirts, and wide enough to create the perfect ruffling, and comfortable to both pull on and wear. And of course - the backside won't slide down, and the elastic won't pinch in the wrong place.

So now I'm having breakfast and listen to 'Piano for Lovers' (a lovely CD <3), very pleased with myself. *giggles* I have plans on throwing out all my old, worn drawers and make a whole bunch of new ones. It feels a bit sad when you toss something you loved a lot... I mean, ruffles and lace are still pretty, but it's like all clothes - they get worn and eventually tear.
But! That's all right. <3 I can always make new ones. :)

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