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Tuesday, 23 November 2010

We did it Coco! We did it!

We did it Coco.
What Blizzard created 1994, we ended yesterday. The man once called Arthas Menethil...corrupted by Nersul...and eventually the Lich King, was killed by our hands yesterday evening.
It's an epic feeling only a fellow Wow-player (or former Wow-player) can understand. And now I could finally see the cutscene I've been avoiding. It was EPIC! <3

14 minutes and 14 seconds. A truly epic battle. <3


Coco McFury said...

Oh yay! congrats :D
I miss playing and i will probably come back. Im just tring to ger familiar with the games i work with atm.
I miss you guys tho <3

Lowaina said...

Thank you! <3 It was such a great feeling!
Awww, we miss you too. <3 Been looking for your name in guild chat every time I log on (even though I KNOW you wont be there. XD) by habit.
How is work? :D Was the release of Assassin's Creed III busy? I can imagine it was crazy. XD
<3 You'll be back before you know it!

Oh, the world ends today btw. All the Cataclysm changes are due today.