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Saturday, 9 October 2010

Finished dress, bunny scarf and macarons

There are so many cakes and cookies and pastries out there, the macarons are the ones I've had most trouble with - and never gave up on! I've tried to listen to every tip I've gotten, but they've never turned out well. Yesterday the book I had ordered arrived (I <3 macarons by Hisako Ogita) so I just had to try her way of doing macarons...and it worked! <3

They got perfect this time around. <3 And I'm so happy! They turned out exactly as they were supposed to - they even got that cute gloss! <3

Besides baking I have finished the dress, and here comes picture as promised. <3 And while I was at it I made a hat with cat ears (isn't it just adorable?) and a bunny-scarf! <3


Coco McFury said...

ihhhh lovely! both the macarons and the clothes :D

Lowaina said...

<3<3 Awwww, thank you! :D *hug*