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Thursday, 21 October 2010

Victorian collar and a knitted muff

A year ago I had the great opportinity to be a trainee at a real theatre, in the costume area. While I did indeed help out with other things when need arouse (such as laying the tables in the giant dining hall when there were especially many guests), my first and foremoust duties were to the costume atelier.
Theatres has always fascinated me, as I expect they do many, so I was in Heaven when I started out. I fell in love with everything. Every spangle, every frill, every bead and glittering shoe... The glamour was dazzling. Of course, it was hard work, but... It was one of those opportunties of a life time.
As I was there - both mending, adjusting and some sewing - I learned a great deal about period clothing. Corsets in particular. As I've always been in love with the 19th century, I was bound to create something inspired by that area...
So today I sew a collar. A corset being far too complicated to sell in my webshop at the moment, this collar originated from a sketch I had in my workbook.What do you think?

Maybe it was The Little White Horse - I don't know - but I just wanted to create something a bit more period. And as we speak I am knitting a white muff - knitting braids on it if you know what I mean? We'll see how it turns out. :)

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