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Friday, 17 June 2011

Today I woke up to the sound of rain. It had made its' way into my dreams too... It feels good to know I have no pressing matters to attend to. Just need to buy eggs sometime during the day. :)
Have you ever made your own raincoat? I was considering giving it a try to make a cute one (Swedish designs are oh! so boring...) but I'm a bit uncertain how to make it waterproof at the seams. I think I read somewhere about rubbing them with a candle, or put some proofing on the inside.
I mean, wouldn't it be adorable with a Lolita-styled raincoat? <3 I already have a Lisbeth Dahl umbrella, but you never really avoid all the rain with an umbrella... Even a cute one. Wellingtons have started coming in really adorable designs lately, have you seen? I suppose some would protest, but I do believe there are some wellington designs that do indeed suit Lolita. :) (Of course, shoes to change into when out of the rain is a must! Do you have a bag to protect your shoes?)

And maybe these would suit your taste, Duni? :D I thought of your designs right away when I saw them;

(These lovely wellingtons are from Blue World Gardener )


Duni said...

Hi Ida!

When I saw these in my reader I thought "my, aren't they pretty..."
You know me quite well :)
I have seen some very cute ones by the company DÄV.


Lowaina said...

Haha, I had a feeling! <3

Oh, I have to check DÄV out. Do you think they are on the internet? It would be very interesting!