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Tuesday 7 June 2011

Strawberry cake and adjustments

I have a's called 'strawberries'... *blushes* With summer in full bloom, the little booths that sell strawberries pop up everywhere, one cheaper than the other promising to have the tastiest berries.
*sigh* This is what I love the most about summer. <3 Fresh, newly picked strawberries so easy to get, and make all kinds of goodies out of! <3 Like stewed strawberries, jam, marmelade...cakes of all kind and shapes... So, I made a sponge cake, with strawberry jam and lemoncurd filling, whipped, sweetened cream on top with strawberries and chocolate hearts as decorations.

Ahh, I love summer. <3 (Though the heat is awful...)

Also, I'm reworking the doll's knees to make it easier for her to stand. :) Trial and error, my dears! <3

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