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Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Finished doll

After weeks of sculping I went through the process of making the third try at a head (seeing as the two previous tries had been quite disappointing) and I'm happy with this one. <3 Project doll is finished! *giggles* Sculping open eyes were too advanced for a beginner like me, so she is sleeping. :)

I've been working on clothes for her, I'll show you as soon as they're finished. <3 It's a lot of tiny detail work! I have a half-finished petticoat so far. If I go through with my plans she'll have a blouse and a long skirt.

With summer, so has the mosquitos arrived... And they apparently like my blood. >.< So now the scent of tea tree oil is lingering everywhere in the apartment... *laughs* It's the best against mosquito bites. <3


Duni said...

Her face is so sweet :) I think you did an amazing job! Love her hair too!

We don't have that many mosquitos yet, but just in case I also have tea tree oil as well as lavender oil.

have a nice day!

Lowaina said...

<3 *hugs happily* You think so? Thank you! <3

I haven't tried lavender oil. :D I have to do that. We have a bottle somewhere...

Have a wonderful afternoon. <3