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Sunday, 22 January 2012

Winter wardrobe and freebie beret pattern

Being a lolita in winter when it's very troublesome - especially if you need to move in and out from the cold a lot. This is especially true  if you're in school, and even more so if you need to wait for a bus or a train or travel short distances. When it's too tedious to remove all the warm clothing just for being on a bus for ten minutes, and you end up sweaty instead... It's a real hassle, mind you!
So, unfortunately, this winter it's been hard for me to dress the way I want, at least on school days. I mean...I can't very well change my leggings and bloomers once I get to school and change back when I'm going home! So I've ended up in pants. *cries*

That little bit of complaining aside, let's focus on the best part: When you can dress up. <3 I know I've spoken of it before, but I simply must press matters a little bit. There are, after all, a few pieces of clothing that a lolita really ought to have in her winter wardrobe.
Of course, the most obvious thing is a nice, warm coat. Wearing a jacket is a bit so-so, but it can work on warmer days. Secondly, a warm pair of drawers is a must! The usual kind won't do - especially not if you plan on sitting down, because without warm drawers you will risk unpleasant ailments such as urinary tract infection...and that's not recommended.
Thirdly, leggings, of course. Warm ones to keep that pesky wind under control.

And lastsly, a purely cosmetic must: the beret. The beret has been around for roughly four hundred years, and it never gets old. Having a cute knitted or crochetted beret with a pom pom, or a factory made of wool, perfects any Lolita outfit splendidly. <3 The designs are similar - but the decorations doesn't need to! The latest beret I've made (and am still working on) will have small beads sewn in, and a bow at the front. <3 They're SO easy to make! I thought I'd share the pattern for this one with you, I found it for free myself.

The pattern below is from a Japanese magazine, and follow the Japanese crochet symbol standard. If you have troubles deciphering the symbols, poke me and I will help you. :)


Duni said...

The beret is totally adorable! I'm only just relearning how to knit, so I guess this project is way too difficult for me to try!!

Lowaina said...

Not at all! :D It's a crochet pattern, and pretty much all of it is just double crochets and bobbles. :) It's very simple, I'll post a diagram in the next post! <3

Danielle Richard said...

I love this. What size crochet hook did you use?

Lowaina said...

It's great! <3 I used crochet hook size 3.00 I think. <3 (EU size)