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Sunday, 2 January 2011

New Years and dress musings

First of all, I wish you all had a wonderful New Year and that 2011 will treat you well. <3 I had a lovely New Years eve, we listened to a concert in the snow and watched the fireworks at the strike of ten. <3 I didn't exactly party, since I am not particularly fond of loud music or alcohol... So this suited me well. <3

I've started on the spring dresses, and I'm really puzzled... I'm thinkin about how to make this sweet little empire dress look really lovely. So far the dress skirt is lying over my sewing table without ornaments, since I'm still thinking... I think that maybe I should see if I can find some lovely flounces that come in the same color, or maybe I should try to adjust the knife on my overlock and custom make them...
I don't know. ^.^; I will however add white flowers as decorations, and they will look absolutely adorable. <3

Also...I'm looking for a small work. Nothing fancy, I can do most things. I just want something small if I have a bad month with my webshop. I really don't want to lose it.

For you Swedish readers: Om någon känner någon som vill anställa mig på 25% (helst i Norrköpingstrakten) snälla hör av er! Det skulle göra att jag kan satsa på min butik, och det vill jag!

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