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Sunday, 26 February 2012

Spring - and exams

Phew! It's been a while now! I'm sorry, I've just been so busy. ^.^; The last few days have been really lovely. <3 Sunny and beautiful, and the snow and ice have started melting away. Spring flowers are starting to come up, and birds are returning. It's early - much earlier than usual - but spring is on its' way. :)
Of course, spring and warmer weathers mean one thing: begone pants, welcome back skirt! <3 It's been a little chilly in the evenings, but oh, I'm so happy to be able to wear my dresses again! <3 Now I just need time... Exams are coming up - I have one mock exam on Friday and two real ones next week, so I really don't have time to slack off and play. Or sew. I do confess, though, that I have set off Saturday afternoons for playing Go...

Maybe I should say something about Go here for you who never heard of it. It's a strategy board game that is one of the oldest board games around. It's played with black and white "stones" on a large board with 19x19 lines - and you play on the intersections. Think of it as a battlefield, or a map. Your stones are soldiers and they need to put down the enemy... Or at least make him flee. ;) Simply put: the idea with it is to surround territory (empty intersections) and make sure your territory is larger than your opponent's territory. Go is, however, a way too complex game to simplify like that, and it would take much too long for me to try. It's a game you can play for a life time and still not master...
A blogger (here) said it beautifully: The Goban (Go board): a battlefield on which players have danced an intricate dance for thousands of years, continually expanding human understanding of a game of unparallelled complexity.  A game that is considered a martial art (rather than a game) in some cultures.

And now, it's back to studies again. :) I'll try to not take so long before my next post.

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