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Friday, 18 March 2011

Quiet days

I haven't really said so here, but I managed to injure my left arm - through sheer clumsiness - and now I'm confused by only having one arm to do things. ^.^; I never knew there was so much you used both hands for! Everything from dressing to sewing, so things take more than twice as long as they usually do.
And - naturally - this is when I get the most inspiration. Isn't that ironic? *giggles* I've been thinking for a couple of weeks that I really need a new pair of drawers, but I couldn't decide on a design. Now that I can't sew very well I finally decided. ^.^;
Soo...I'm sewing a pair of drawers, bit by bit.

And while I do, I listen to the Coraline soundtrack. <3

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