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Saturday, 22 September 2012


It's been a while since went shopping for Lolita-related items, especially in the stores here since they seldom have anything cute that isn't meant for children. When I do shop, it's usually just online. However, a new store has opened in town, with loads of import from China - everything from clothes and bags to make up and Vocaloid-figurines. :) I've been meaning to go there for a while, but I haven't had time. Today, before going to the Go club, I did take a quick peek inside.

As you can see, I went on a pink spree... As there wasn't a lot of time, I didn't get to explore the place further, but I did buy some things. Most of them something you'd never find here, so I'm really happy! <3 Did you ever see cuter panties? <3 And the tiny butterfly hair clips are adorable. <3

Some day - hopefully not in a too distant future - I hope to have time to go there again and buy a new coat, as they had one that was just too CUTE! <3 And not expensive at all!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Pomegrenade candy and Snuggle Bunny

This weekend have been back to lolita, since I've lately been so wound up over a lot of things that I haven't been able to indulge myself in cute things. I started back on track with a new dress, and now it's been rolling on like it should - back to the regular afternoon tea, sewing, beading, making cookies and listening to relaxing classic music or utter cuteness. I feel so much better when I can wrap myself up in lolita, because it's where I feel the most at home. Nothing is quite the same as sitting in an all too big armchair in a lovely dress, draped in a shawl and reading a good book with a cup of tea and bisquits, listening to Royal Strings. It's at times like this I remember just how at odds I am with the stressful modern society, and how ill it fits me and my personality. So I sit back wrapped in ribbons and cotton, eating sweet pomegrenade candies shaped like hearts. <3 I'll have to buy more of those next time I'm in town.

One of these days I'm going to take my beloved and the camera out to take some snaps in the lovely early autumns weather, but today I'm afraid there is a drizzle outside and quite cloudy.  It's lovely weather for a walk, but not for taking pictures.

I'm making progress with the doll I'm going to cast in resin as well, but she's not finished enough for that yet. I think October-November is a realistic schedule, as I expect I will be kept very busy by school very soon.

And with that, I'm rounding up with a very cute playlist: